Bed Plant For sale, mattress and boxspring manufacturer. With this plant, you make all types of beds for the sleep market. Foam beds as well as innerspring beds. The range is absolutely huge. From cost-effective cheaper beds to durable stylish advanced beds. Profit margins are up to 500% on some bed ranges. This is a must-see. Everybody must sleep and you are entering a necessity nitch market product. Comes with training, customer lead base, Factory documents, pricelists, machinery, and much more.
Base foundations and Mattresses have been in existence in their current form for centuries and have experienced advancements over the years that make them more comfortable and attractive to prospective buyers, why not benefit from a product that is known to be in demand. As a result, average unit selling prices for mattresses and foundations increased substantially over time. This is where you benefit by getting in on the biggest market in Africa and South Africa to date. The overall mattress market segmentation has had year on year growth because as the old saying goes" If you don't have a bed you can not sleep"
South Africa Mattress Market was observed to attain massive maturity with most of the mattress demand originating from Export, hospitality sector, Healthcare sector, home-users( every household needs more than three beds per household; and non-residential sectors including hotels, hospitals, college hostels, Sea, and entrepreneurs that purchase your beds resell them and other institutional buildings in the country. The market is so big that is mind-blowing to the naked eye. From Single to King-size beds are in demand.
South Africa’s mattress market demand both in terms of revenue and sales volume is expected to increase dramatically as the need for bedding has increased significantly over the past few years. Make an appointment and come view the setup today. For sale R1.200 000
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