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New N18 Highway Petrol Station In Jankempdorp For Sale

Jan Kempdorp, Northern Cape, South Africa
Asking Price:
Sales Revenue:
R100K - R500K
Cash Flow:

Petrol Station is ready to go (licence in process +/- 3 weeks). Caltex Lease 10 Years

Prime Petrol Station Leased to Astron Energy (Caltex) and Ok Grocer

Option 1 (Lease Deal)
- Lease Site to Astron (LOI available) and Ok Grocer
- Earn a net income of R100 000 per month
- 10 year lease Astron Lease
- Ok grocer leased
- Site revamp completed by Astron

Option 2 (Site Operation Deal)
- Caltex to revamp forecourt
- Ok to be fitted by operator (spending required R5 million)

Earn a net income of R425 500.00

- 250 000 liters of projected fuel
- R 800 000 turnover projected in shop sales (ok,grocer R800 000per month sale projection)

Projected Forecourt Income :
250 000 liters @ 2.4 per liter, 600 000
Operating Expenses : R150000 per month
Net Profit : R450 000 per month

R800 000 X 25% Net = R200 000

Total Net Income : +/- R 650 000

Property Information

Real Estate:

Real Property Included


N18 Jankempdorp 27°55'51"S 24°49'39"E

Premises Details:

The proeprty is located on the n18 highway between kimberley and mafikeng

Planning Consent:

Planning approved

Business Operation

Expansion Potential:

Expansion with the shopping centre and extra stores or depot

Competition / Market:

No competition

Other Information

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