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Popular Fishing Tackle Shop In Mossel Bay For Sale

Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa
Asking Price:
Sales Revenue:
Not applicable
Cash Flow:
Not applicable

About this Business:
The business sells fishing equipment, bait and related items, to an established client base of local fishermen and holiday makers. Well positioned on a main street, with lots of passing traffic. Very well stocked. (value approx. R1.1M.)

History: Current owner trading since 2008.

Staff: The business is run by the owner couple.

Scalability & Opportunity:
Rare opportunity to purchase a long established and profitable business.

Figures: Revenue just below R2m pa.

Assets: All equipment and shop fittings to the value of R260k, included.

Reason for Selling: The owner is retiring.

Selling Price: R999 K for the business, plus the value of stock as at date of purchase, approx. R1.1M.

ROI: 48%.

Property Information

Real Estate:
