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Popular Online Fragrance Business - JHB For Sale

Gauteng, South Africa
Asking Price:
Sales Revenue:
Cash Flow:

Online Perfume Fragrance Business, Johannesburg
Selling price : R350,000.00
Turnover: R150,000.00 per annum
Net Profit: R23,000 per month
Stock: R250,000.00 (Inclusive of Stock)
Description: This Online Fragrance Business is a small but profitable business that has been running solo for the past 3 years. Currently, the Owner is living in the UK. This is fun and enjoyable business to be in, as everyone wants a good perfume and fragrance! Everything operational is already set up for a smooth transition. They manufacture, bottle and sell online. The entire assembly line is in place and currently trading. They carry their own Private Brand range each with a secret formula. The business is entirely manageable with minimal overheads and can be run from home. The owner will provide full training with procedure documentation to ensure a smooth handover. One caveat would be to maintain the Brand Name and use of formulas to protect a registered ‘copy’ brand. The option to take on new Agents Nationwide is available.

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