Sold by aldes Cliff Bell June 2022 - transferred.
Net Profit of some R612 000 pa, off a steady turnover of some R1.174m, & a R970 000 Sale Price ! Inclusive of the assets, with no burden of stock, debtors or debt, & good consistent cashflow throughout the year.
The owner has a schedule for a: complex, church, 3 industrial sites & 57 individual houses, that allows for efficiencies from the very capable staff (6 incl a supervisor/driver) to provide quality gardening services to its well established client base. Tree felling, landscaping, & ad hoc garden cleans ups are promoted in winter months, when an additional raker/sweeper is not required.
Assets: Bakkie (2015), 1 lawnmower, 8 brushcutters, 3 Hedge Trimmers, 4 saws,2 blowers, 2 sprayers, 3 ladders, with various utensils
All are in good working condition, paid-off (debt free) & valued at some R150 000 on a 2nd hand value sale to R200 000 2nd hand replacement value.