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Old Age Home With Frail Care And Property For Sale

Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa
Asking Price:
Sales Revenue:
Cash Flow:

This long-established old-age home has 21 cottages and rooms varying in size from 42 m2 to 570 m2 and offers outstanding frail care facilities. The home is approximately 2,752 m2 under roof.
The property on which the home is located measures 12,852 hectares, of which the home itself occupies approximately 3.64 hectares—plenty of space to expand the facilities or to just enjoy this picturesque and tranquil part of Muldersdrift, Gauteng, where the elderly are cared for in a loving and secure environment.
Besides the portion occupied by the old age home mentioned above, there is another:
- 7 sub-divided properties of which 6 measure 1 hectare and the 7th property measures 1.56 hectares. All these properties have a river frontage – total area = 7.56 hectares;
- Next to the home is another portion of the farm measuring 3.64 hectares which can be used for more growth/expansion.

The old age home including its assets/inventory as well as all the property mentioned above, is on the market for R18 million and the seller is open to negotiation with serious buyers.

Property Information

Real Estate:

Real Property Included


Muldersdrift, Mogale City

Premises Details:

The home is approximately 2,752 m² under roof.

Size in square feet:
12.84 hectares
Planning Consent:


Business Operation

Expansion Potential:


Competition / Market:

Not in the near vacinity

Reasons for selling:

The sellers would like to retire as they are both in their 70's.

Trading hours:

07h00 to 16h00 Monday to Sunday

Years established:

Other Information

Support & training:

Yes but for an agreed period

Financing available:

Only to serious interested parties.

Furniture / Fixtures value:
Inventory / Stock value: