Sold by ALDES Cliff Bell 1 May 2022 transferred.
The sale price is R2.53m excl stock : Off similar results for the last two years : a turnover of R8.6m, which provided an Owners Discretionary Net Profit of some R982 000; with minimal owner involvement, only 2 full-time staff, & clients who in the main pay as they process their own orders & only then are the suppliers engaged.
Top Durban (10 years) online textbook & stationery ordering service for schools, pupils, & individuals. Some of the 100 schools have appointed this supplier as their preferred supplier, while others request quotes first.
Turnover stream outline:
- Partner schools with their pupils 45%
- Private online orders 10%.
- Bulk sales direct to other schools, mainly for their pupils – 37%
- Corporate stationery sales – 3%
- Middleman sales to traders, who then supply schools – 5%
Two major pro-active group orders are processed through the partner schools in Oct and Dec for Nov & Jan delivery respectively (i.e. once the learner orders are submitted & paid for, then the orders are placed with suppliers, ensuring delivery to the schools within a month; while the school rebate on the pupils purchases is paid over by 31 March the following year.
Ad hoc purchases by the schools, pupils or other individuals are received throughout the year and are processed within a 2 week period, where the client is aware of the delivery delays, which cover the ordering period.
Standard items that are always ordered are held in stock, ranging from some R300 000 during the quieter 9 month period (on turnovers of R50 000 to 400 000 pm) & some R1m during the 3 month busy period (on turnovers of R700 000 to R2.4m pm).
- Asking Price:
- R2,530,000 Furniture / Fixtures included
- Sales Revenue:
- R8,635,000
- Cash Flow:
- R982,000
Property Information
- Real Estate:
- Premises Details:
The present lease expires end July 2023 & can be renewed for the term the buyer requires. Present rental is R11 000 pm excl VAT, with an escalation clause of 8%, in an extremely nice industrial complex, West of Durban.
Business Operation
- Expansion Potential:
Approach other schools & Companies
- Reasons for selling:
Owner wishes to emigrate in the next year
- Trading hours:
M-F: 8-16H00
- Employees:
- Apart from the owner: Only one long standing manager & a rep : full time employees While ad hoc labour is hired for packing that cannot be managed by the two staff members
- Years established:
- 10
Other Information
- Support & training:
Owner can assist in training & introductions, as well as, be available for assisting from overseas into the future. The manager is capable in respect of the processes & clients.
- Furniture / Fixtures value:
- R20,000 - included in the asking price
- Relocatable:
- This business can be relocated.