Advertisement has been introducing buyers and sellers since our first listing went live in 1996.
We are committed to showcasing the very best businesses for sale today. There are currently 53,623 listings for sale in 145 countries - and our passion is always to connect these sellers with the right buyers.
We are a global business with a global team. Headquartered in London, UK, we also have people in Australia, USA and Mexico.
Over 25 years we have dedicated ourselves to providing a platform where buyers can easily search and filter by preference and get new businesses by email.
We’ve seen some amazing businesses for sale including a floating prison, football club and a tropical island. One thing remains constant – there are always businesses for sale.
For sellers, we provide the ultimate marketplace of over 1 million buyers a month, and the opportunity to find the buyer who will buy your business.
Contact us here if you would like to learn more about us, have any feedback on our service or would like to say hello.