Finding the serious buyers will save you from going down dead end paths and, if you can respond correctly, you can make sure they stay interested right through to signing on the dotted line.
The market may have taken a dip in South Africa; however, this should mean that the people that enquire about your business have intentions of buying in what has become a buyer's market! While this is amazing news for you, be as informed as possible about how to respond to them so that you can make a successful sale.
Responding Promptly
Respond to enquiries as quickly as possible. Otherwise, buyers might get frustrated and pursue alternatives with more responsive sellers.
Sometimes, of course, it may take a few days to obtain the information the interested party is requesting. But you can still respond immediately with something like: "Thanks for your enquiry. I should be able to send you this information the day after tomorrow. Thanks for your patience."
At least the buyer knows what’s happening and that they're not being ignored.
Filtering Out Timewasters
Be on the lookout for tell-tale signs of the timewaster: window shoppers with no real interest in, nor the financial capacity to, actually buy your business.

Ask them if they have experience of the sector or similar sectors and in running businesses in the UK generally. If the answer is unconvincing, this weakens their credibility as a potential buyer, so ask them why they want to buy a business with so little experience of the sector and/or running businesses.
But if they show they’ve done their homework on the industry and demonstrate a convincing passion for being their own boss, then they could still be a genuine prospect – especially if it’s a relatively uncomplicated business model (like, say, a pizza delivery business or convenience store).
Make sure that you get an idea of the timescale that the buyer is working towards. If it’s much longer or shorter than your anticipated schedule, then it may not be worth proceeding further.
You should also get an idea of how they plan to finance their purchase. A buyer with partially or fully arranged finance is preferable to someone with little apparent clue as to how they will fund the acquisition.
Case Study: How Did You Weed Out Timewasters?
"The timewasters basically wanted to know how much we made and that’s it. I didn’t want them to look at just that," says Toundjel Chimen, who sold Hamlyns dry cleaners through BusinessesForSale.com.
"I wanted them to look at the shop, what we provided to the community and what sort of service we provide.” I wanted to find “someone to take over the business and carry on the good work that I’ve put in over the last 25 years."
Even if someone is convincing enough via email, you may develop doubts once you speak to them over the phone or in person.
"I could tell by their voice how sincere they were and if they were genuine,” continues Toundjel. "There were about eight serious offers for the business, and I accepted two of them. I whittled it down to one and I’m happy with the person who’s taking it over."
Non-disclosure Agreements
When you’ve screened enquiries for timewasters and found a convincing buyer with a credible financial plan, you’ll need them to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Only once this is signed should you share with a buyer any sensitive commercial information.

Also called a confidentiality agreement, an NDA is an undertaking by one or both parties not to disclose sensitive information to third parties. It therefore reduces the risk that trading accounts, your customer database and other confidential information will be leaked to staff, customers or competitors to damaging effect.
A template NDA is a good starting point. However, it may be beneficial to have a professional adapt it for your purposes and ensure the document is valid under your and the other party’s jurisdiction.
Admittedly, if a signatory decides to break an NDA, there is little you can do to prevent them. However, an NDA does offer you legal recourse to seek damages and therefore serves as a major deterrent.
Meeting with the Buyer
If you have found an interested buyer and you have ascertained their seriousness, you will need to organise a face to face meeting with them. It can help, at this stage, to have an intermediary such as a broker to help you through this difficult stage of the selling process.

You will also need to get ready for the due diligence process. You should have been preparing for this part of the sale for a long while before you put your business on the market so that you are prepared but, at this stage, make sure you have any documents or figures that the potential buyer might need.
Find out more: How do you negotiate a business sale? Read our negotiating a business guide for helpful tips.